Wednesday 19 March 2008

Salsa on Wed for a change?

If you dance until late, waking up early is a bit of a pain. I must have got into the "office" at around 11am today, yes a bit late, but that's life. Work is going well, I'm running the last few bits and pieces then I shall be able to correct my final chaper. I also put a bit more work into my website today, so there is now some nicely styled html for the home page, a journal, issues relevant to chemoinformatics and a gallery.

Tonight I decide to go down to CS. The routine wasn't too bad, one move I particularly liked involved breaking with the guys left hand (connected to lady's left hand) underneath the right hand then spinning the lady clockwise, then opening out into a crucifix for the guy, the guy then took his left hand with the lady's left hand and led her clockwise so her back is facing you on the count of 1-2-3, then wrapped her into your arm on 5-6-7 anti-clockwise. All in all I thought the routine was interesting though that was the move I liked best, and SHOULD remember.

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