Sunday, 6 April 2008

Dub's Birthday

After a day in the lab reading papers, I was off to the Mitre pub to celebrate Dee's birthday. Florian and I initially went to the Prince Reagent then on to the Avery to get food, but had no success. It's surprising how early pubs stop serving food, particularly at weekends in Cambridge. Anyway we managed to go to the GBK, I had a thai burger (red thai sauce), tasted great, but quite expensive. In the region of £10 for a diet coke and a burger.

We then ended up at the Mitre ~9pm had a drink there, then Florian's friend Michael came, he seemed to be happy and in high spirits [like Flo, me and Dub....not so sure about everyone else though]. Two drinks later we tried La Raza, but at £6 to get in, the ~£7 per cocktail we parsed on this and ended up in the Fountain where Steph joined us later. I must have stayed till about 1am before I got too tired of dancing and talking.

Today I was meaning to go to the gym. However Queens' College have still not sorted out where the gym key as gone missing or who has it. If this turns into a more regular event I may decide to join a different gym. In the end I went for a run around Granchester as the weather was great tonight. I think we're going to be in for some sleet and snow on Mon, Tues and Wednesday. Snow in spring...shocking.

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