Tuesday, 6 May 2008

A milestone or simply a one off?

Last week was the first time Christian and I managed to convince some of the traditional 'cyber cafe' goers (Lukman and Christina) to get out of the department for lunch at Queens'. I myself am a big fan of leaving the department for an hours break at lunch, it gives me more time to think and chill out, others I guess prefer the closeness of the cafe and the apparent chemist community based atmosphere.

Watch this space for future developments.

Other than that I can safely say I've had a fairly hectic weekend. The UK salsa champions put on a show on Friday, the performance was great, pitty about the rather large number of people down the club....wasn't exactly conducive to dancing. Saturday I had a free meal at Emma College. The food was Mexican, so tortilla then fajita wraps followed by a chocolate mousse for dessert. I didn't have much to drink which might surprise one or two, but the one margarita cocktail I had was strong enough. The dinner was followed by a bit of dancing to a live band, Capricorn..which was suppose to be a salsa band, though it turned out that they were in fact a funky/soul band.

Sunday, I must have woken up fairly late ~11am, it's nice to have a lye in if there is no compulsion to get up and work. Some people I have noticed do however go into the lab at weekends and proceed to work on Bank holidays. Well it's their choice, I just think it's a little excessive, unless of course "desperate times call for desperate measures." More likely though the fact that they have nothing better to do in their spare time.

Anyway it was good to see my brother's new flat on the Sunday night after a lesson at SOS (level 4 - Advanced). I think the shine routines down there require a hell of a lot of attention, the partner routine (which I guess I'm more use to) was fairly straight forward.

I think I'll have to get a regular gym routine going on the Tuesday night as the 'On2' has now finished...or work later.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Salsa boy,

nice blog, however, your writing style can suffer further improvements. But are my glasses in deep need of cleaning or you just spelt some name incorrect. Your colleagues name, if I remember well is Cristina and not Christina. (Oh my, let's just hope that this was a simple one off!)